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for whom?

i'll tell yah
firstly | yes and no

Oh yes, it's definitely for someone! To be exact, it's an adorable beanlet boy in my class at school named Macchiato. He's just so . . .


Oh no, if I can't describe my feelings for him, how can I go any farther than a friend? Wait a minute, aren't I too young for this . . .

it's true
secondly | no and yes

No, never mind! I can like someone if I want to! Besides, even though I can't really describe him or why I like him, I can still say all the things I like 
about him! 
Yes, I adore so many things about Mac! First of all, he wears a scarf to school too! Just like me! And his has pretty feathers attached to it along with a small bell. Whenever I hear his bell jingling, I know he's nearby and it makes me hopeful that maybe he'll be walking towards me! Then he's got those really smart-looking glasses! I bet he's so smart! (I mean I don't really know though because I don't check his grades, cause that's just creepy) 
And then he loves dress up! Who doesn't like someone who likes to play dress up?! I know I like someone who likes to play dress up and that's him. 
Let's not forget his charming stutter-lisp. I mean, I can tell he's really shy and I should be encouraging more confidence in Mac, but that stutter-lisp he does when he's feeling sheepish is really cute! 
Then, he's fairly attractive in my eyes, I don't know about anyone else, but I can see his great looks. His floppy laid back ears and then his bobbing curly tail while he strolls around. I could just watch him all day (but, I don't cause that's also creepy) and listen to his voice because it just sounds wonderful! 
Not to mention the fact that every time Mac whisks past me, I get a whiff of him and he smells delightfully like coffee!

it's really


thirdly | anyway

But, the slight lil' hiccup involved in my crush is—his eyes. 
They're a fascinating color of blue, and it somewhat reminds me of blueberries and I don't particularly like blueberries . . . 
But, they're filled with so much emotion since I notice that Mac cries often and I really don't want him feeling so sad all the time . . . 
(maybe he ate blueberries once so then it turned his eyes the color of blue, maybe that's why he's so unhappy) 
His eyes sheds more tears than anyone else I know and it bothers me knowing that that happens multiple times a day. His eyes also widen so much when I try to converse with him, they sparkle and glint when he doesn't say anything. It's like he's trying to tell me something through only his eyes. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND HIS SADNESS THOUGH IF HE'S HIDING IT IN HIS EYES?! I CAN'T EYE-READ VERY WELL, I JUST FINISHED LEARNING HOW TO WORD-READ! 
And, if you know me, I always love the good vibes and I'm an optimist all the way! If there's anything I want to do, it's to make everyone I can happy! So, I've decided to try my best to do everything I can to make Mac happy and keep him from crying so much by making him a batch of v-day treats!

Let's just hope he isn't allergic to chocolate . . .

© 2016 by Angelshy on CS

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