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Oh! I'm making something homemade with special chocolate! I LOVE chocolate! It's gonna be chocolate kiss powder puff cookies for v-day! So, I hope my crush likes chocolate too . . .

what am i
who's coming over


I've invited my two bestest friends Brisket and Cuervo to come and help me bake the cookies in time. The deadline for me is my classroom's valentine's day celebration at school which is rather late. It's strange, they made the deadline March 1st instead of February 14th. But, it gives me more time to prepare my lil' cookie treats, so I won't be complaining since I procrastinate a lot . . .





Honestly, I can't do much in the process of making these since the oven is still a bit of a challenge for me because we are all gathered at Brisket's house in her kitchen and her oven isn't down near the floor, but it's higher up near the ceiling. (I can't reach it!) Cuervo can't reach it either, so Brisket's agreed to help us with that situation. She's so awesome in the kitchen! But, everything HAS to be perfect because things get real intense if something doesn't go right. Cuervo and I are really careful to follow all her instructions (she is the oldest after all and she's the one in charge when our parents aren't around, so she's pretty much our babysitter I guess) so things go smoothly in the kitchen and there aren't too many messes made . . .



ooooh who's the lucky beanlet boy?


Although, I was mentioning who we were making these powder puffs for (my crush, oh he's so cute) and Brisket kind of mashed a chocolate kiss a little too forcefully into the pie crust and Cuervo spilled some sugar on the floor. Ahh, whoops. They both were surprised (and then got frustrated because of their reactions' consequences) and then began pestering me about what my crush is like. Fortunately, I pointed out the fact that not all the powder puffs completely covered all of the chocolate kisses encased within them, so they stopped and we focused more on those cookies . . .​


Then, while Brisket wasn't paying attention, Cuervo and I would sneak a few chocolate kisses into our mouths followed by a "I swear we had more of these!" from Brisket while we snicker silently as we nibble on the kisses . . .


And then there was that moment when Cuervo suggested adding on flower decorations (Cuervo really likes flowers) and I was still deciding whether or not that was a good idea when Brisket said that it wasn't going to happen on her watch then dived into a long lecture about presentation of foods and the culinary aesthetics involved or something like that about pastries . . .

My delightful powder puffs are revamped version of teacakes!


They came out of the oven extremely good too! I'm so glad I had the help of my two friends to make the batch of cookies for my school crush . . .

what is it?
this is what
i'll do

Click on the image above

to learn how to make your

own chocolate kiss powder

puff cookies! <3

© 2016 by Angelshy on CS

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