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Kumi | owned by hiyorin on CS | Ma 
She's one of Beatrice's moms and Beatrice loves her very much. Often times she 
gets a bunch of her qualities from Kumi including her constant need to do 
everything right and not make any mistakes. Kumi also has always shown Beatrice 
how to be kind and to treat others just the way she'd like to be treated, 
causing Bea to be the happy-go-lucky beanlet she is. If ever she's in a terrible 
mood (which doesn't happen frequently, but still happens nevertheless), she 
finds comfort in burying her head in Kumi's fur and telling of all that's going 
wrong. It's always brightening when Kumi finds exactly the right ways to turn 
Bea's frown upside down!
Elsa | owned by hiyorin on CS | Mom 
She is other one of Beatrice's moms and Beatrice loves her very much as well. 
However, Elsa is a bit stricter than Kumi and is known to lay down the rules and 
put her foot down if things aren't as they should be. However, even though Elsa 
is stern, she's taught Bea how to be respectful and stay properly behaved in 
different circumstances. She's also the one Bea learned how to mind her manners 
much more so than through Kumi. But, through all this, Bea finds her harder 
issues resolved through Elsa and her worries relieved through her.
Eaden Blake | owned by tpdau on CS | Big Sis 
Eaden is Beatrice's big sister and she's glad she is! They get along surpisingly well

for siblings and if ever they do fight about something, things have never gotten

out of hand over the years, not even once. Beatrice is sensitive to Eaden's needs

as well since her big sis has spina bifida and she makes sure to not be a bother.

When Eaden finds that she can't have as much fun as others when they are out

romping and partying, Beatrice comforts her sister and makes her forget about

her social anxiety. Most of the time, Eaden accompanies Bea outside under the

shade of a tree and both of them read books about animals together or they

inspect the insects and such that roam in their front or backyard. If not, both are

spending time together on the couch watching nature films or documentaries.
Cuervo | owned by Ax The Andalite on CS | Best (beanlet) Friend 
When Beatrice is left home-alone and she finds herself craving the need to bake, 
she can definitely call Cuervo over or she can bike over to his house so they 
can bake together. Cuervo loves cake a ton so most cases, they only meet up when 
they want to create layer cakes. Although, when they aren't in the mood for 
baking at the moment they're together, they find other things to do—this 
involves cloud watching or star gazing, bird watching, flower picking, climbing 
trees, racing at the park, or staying inside and watching Food Network while 
snacking on poptarts!
Brisket | owned by Zacharie on CS | Best (other species) Friend 
Now, if you know Beatrice, she really doesn't appreciate dark or eerie things 
since she gets scared easily and Brisket just so happens to love those types of 
things. For this reason, Brisket can't really bring Beatrice with her to watch 
scary movies (even if they're really cheesy, Bea will still be frightened), but 
they can still enjoy baking as well. Often enough, she volunteers to babysit 
Beatrice when she isn't helping her brother at the butchery and finds that she 
ends up helping Bea bake or cook with her friend Cuervo. And since even though 
Bea gets creeped out by lots of things, she's found a great likening to 
Brisket's edible intestines and has wanted to learn how to make them herself 
since she's tasted them. And, Brisket has cheerfully agreed to teach Bea so they 
can pull pranks on other friends (including Cuervo) with them!
Macchiato | owned by Baloo. on CS | School Crush 
Where to begin? Let's just say that Beatrice is glad to have met Mac at school. 
Or rather, at the Halloween party at school. Since Brisket loves Halloween and 
creepy things, she's the one who brought Bea to the Halloween party at her 
school and that was where Bea met Mac. She learned how Mac loved Halloween 
because he could dress up in whatever and she was inspired by his creativeness. 
He seemed rather shy to her and at times would freeze if she talked too fast or 
if she asked too many questions. But, ever since she met him, Beatrice has 
thought about Macchiato a lot and wishes to see him anytime she gets the chance 
at school. And she knows he's quite sensitive so she tries her best to be gentle 
and friendly towards him.

© 2016 by Angelshy on CS

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